A New Song

Processed with MOLDIV

I had the opportunity to record another song in the studio last weekend! For a long time, I have wanted to write a song for my children to sing… one with a positive message that will help them to always know how important and special they are…. one that teaches them to SEEK light and to BE a light for those around them. .

Well, I was sitting in the Salt Lake Temple one September night with my husband— looking at the beautiful murals on the wall when all of sudden, song lyrics with a melody started coming to my mind. The song played over and over in my head. There is no doubt in my mind that this song was divinely inspired— especially since I was in such a sacred place. The next morning, I sat down at the piano and finished the lyrics and the melody in one hour— and this might be my favorite song yet! My kids and I have been practicing and I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear them sing this song. They will always have the lyrics in their heart— a gift from me and  from their Father in Heaven. I am so grateful for the peaceful power that music has brought into my life and the lives of my family. I can’t wait to share the finished product with you!!! ❤️ Thank you @mickelsenmusic for your help recording!

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