National Running Day— Running and The Race Of Life

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In honor of National Running Day, I wanted to share a favorite #PonderRun (to find out what a #PonderRun is, check out a recent instagram post below :) ). This address by Joseph Wirthlin brings the Marathon called “Life” into perspective for me. My faith in God, my family, and running has been my perfect remedy for the ups and downs of life. All of the twists and turns, endless hills, and walls that often seem insurmountable in everyday living. Many of us are running different “marathons” in our lives, and I hope that we all look to the greatest source for strength first and “Run with patience the race set before us.”

Lace up your running shoes and get some running in today! If you can move your legs, you ARE a runner! Happy National Running Day! Much love to you and all of us here at!



I’ve never really introduced myself on here— so hello! My name is Laura. I am wife to my favorite guy\best friend/ highschool sweetheart, a proud mother of four beautiful kids who are my whole world 🌎, I am a Utahn/Texan/ Arizonan/– moving back to Utah, and I am daily striving (and falling and getting back up) to RUN straight toward CHRIST (well more like a zigzag 〰〰😝)…. so yes, I am a runner too. 😊 I am a major advocate of health and healthy choices… anything to take best care of the body that God has given me. And I am very passionate about helping my family and others do the same! I often share my #ponderrun(s) on here— little gems of #truth from my personal scripture study that fill my heart and strengthen my faith. During my daily run is most often when I listen to scriptures, talks, inspiration, hence the name #ponderrun. Rumor has it, they might help you too. 💗😉 I share doses of happy, uplifting, and joy in “real” daily life. I also share running, health, and overall wellness in conjunction with my blog (—> read our mission statement). My family is my LIFE and being a mom is the BEST job in the whole wide world so of course I share about that too. 💗 – – I need HIS grace every minute of every day. My life is no where near perfect. I am decidedly not the fittest person on Instagram. For me, fitness isn’t a “me” thing, it’s a “we” thing. I believe that faith, family, and fitness (or healthy habits more accurately) all go hand in hand to help us draw nearer to Christ. My purpose is to be a voice for good and light in a world of developing darkness. So that’s me! Tell me about YOU in the comments! We need each others goodness and light! So that we can all come closer to Him together!☀️☀️☀️ 💗💗💗 _______________________________________________________ #PonderRun – “With childlike humility and willingness to focus on our Father in Heaven and our Savior, we take steps toward Them, never giving up hope, even if we fall. Our loving Heavenly Father rejoices in each and every faithful step, and if we fall, He rejoices in each effort to get back up and try again.” {Randall K. Bennett, “Your Next Step”} – –

A photo posted by Marathon Momma Laura (@marathonmommala) on




The Marathon 

By Joseph Wirthlin

A young friend of mine, whom I will call Alan, recently ran his first marathon—a distance of 26.2 miles. He had set his goal several months in advance, learned what preparation was required, and disciplined himself to follow a rigorous training schedule. He sought the advice of experienced runners and read articles on running a marathon. He practiced running the marathon route and planned a strategy for traversing the hilly course.

Finally, the day of the marathon arrived; it would be the culmination of months of training, discipline, and sacrifice. He got off to a good start in a large crowd of runners. He felt strong and confident, following his predetermined strategy. About eight miles into the race, on a downhill part of the course, he caught up with an experienced runner, Brent by name, who had given him sound advice during his training. Alan decided to match his stride to Brent’s disciplined and experienced pace.

As they passed the eighteen-mile mark, Alan struggled to stay with Brent so someone he knew would be by his side if he began “hitting the wall.” Hitting the wall means feeling a sudden urge to quit, encountering an almost tangible barrier that requires a tremendous effort to overcome. It often comes at about the twenty-mile mark.

For the next two miles, Alan kept pace with Brent. Then it hit him. He felt a sudden loss of energy, an almost overwhelming desire to stop or walk. “Stay with me,” Brent said. “We all feel it at some point. You can get through it. I’ll help pull you through.”

Somehow, Alan continued. He and Brent began to pass spectators. He knew his wife, children, and other family members would be watching about one mile ahead. Drawing on the strength provided by thoughts of his family, he was able to hang on until the desire to quit left him.

As they finally neared the finish, Alan found the last mile to be the hardest of all. Alan and Brent crossed the finish line just five seconds apart. Alan was more exhausted than he ever had been but was elated because he had beaten his goal by more than fifteen minutes and had finished among the top twenty-five runners.

Laura Run (19)

Life Is like Running a Marathon

In some respects, progressing through life is like running a marathon. You chose to come to this earth and to be tested and proved. The end may seem too far away to concern you now. But life, like a marathon, requires a good start and a strong, consistent effort all of the way to the finish.

Set Goals

Marathon runners set explicit goals. You should look ahead now and decide what you want to do with your lives. Fix clearly in your mind what you want to be one year from now, five years, ten years, and beyond. Write your goals and review them regularly. Keep them before you constantly, record your progress, and revise them as circumstances dictate.

After you visualize yourself as you would like to be in twenty years from now, identify the preparation you will need. Determine to pay the price in effort, money, study, and prayer. Be sure you understand the course or path you will be taking. The ideal course of life is not always easy. Comparatively few will find it and complete it.

Preparation is vitally important so you can do your part when called upon and so the Lord can use you when he needs you.

Seek Help and Give Help

In life, as in a marathon, you should seek the help you need. Do not depend on your own strength alone. You have never done all you can to finish a task until you have sought help from the Lord, loved ones, and friends.

Do not be misled by the occasional easiness of the way, like the downhill part of a marathon. Keep close to the Lord and trust in him during the easier times, just as you do in your uphill struggles.

Marathon runners pass aid stations located along the course; they provide water, encouragement, and assistance. Without this help, many runners could not carry on. You also have “aid stations” to help you keep moving along your course. They should include your parents, other family members, (church) leaders, and teachers who have “run more races” and are farther along the path of life. Benefit from the experience they have accumulated. Trust them; seek their advice, counsel, and support; and then listen to them. They will help you stay on your course.

Always be willing, even anxious, to help others.

Hitting the Wall

I suppose some of you, at one time or another, feel that you are “hitting the wall,” feeling an almost compelling urge to quit, give up, or give in to temptation. You will meet challenges, adversities, and temptations that seem to be more than you can bear. In times of sickness, death, financial need, and other hardships, you may wonder whether you have the strength, courage, or ability to continue.

You face the same temptations that have been common throughout history, plus many others that were unknown to earlier generations. However, be sure you understand that God will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability to resist. (See 1 Cor. 10:13.) He does not give you challenges that you cannot surmount. He will not ask more than you can do, but may ask right up to your limits so you can prove yourselves. The Lord will never forsake or abandon anyone. You may abandon him, but he will not abandon you. You never need to feel that you are alone.

The reason to stay on course in a marathon is obvious. The reason to stay on a course that leads to a righteous life may be less obvious but is much more important. In simple terms, a righteous life is the way—the only way—to happiness, joy, and peace. Joseph Smith taught:

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God. …

“In obedience there is joy and peace … and as God has designed our happiness …, he never has—He never will … give a commandment to His people that is not calculated in its nature to promote that happiness which He has designed.” (History of the Church, 5:134–35.)

Our Heavenly Father knows the way for you to enjoy happiness and peace; the principles of the gospel mark the way. They are a gift to you, his children.

With absolute certainty, choices of good and right lead to happiness and peace, while choices of sin and evil eventually lead to unhappiness, sorrow, and misery.

Endure to the End

An obvious parallel between life and a marathon is the necessity to run diligently and endure to the end. Among his final words to his people, Nephi told them: “And now, … after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; … Ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ … and endure to the end.” (2 Ne. 31:19–20.) I think of this promise of the Lord: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isa. 40:31.) You have that promise.

My dear young friends, I pray that the Lord will guide and strengthen each of you in running your personal marathon. Then you can say, as Paul wrote to Timothy: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7.) I know that you can live righteous lives and, with the help of the Lord, do all that you should do. I bear testimony that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love each of you and want you to be happy. I bear this humble testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

For the full text of this talk by Joseph B. Wirthlin, go HERE.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article about running. Running makes you who you are. It gives you freedom. Great determination and patience are keys to be successful.

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