A Tender Mercy of the Lord

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Has something ever happened to you that you KNOW could only have been a little gift from God— because there is no other explanation? I like to call moments like this “tender mercies”. (Read a talk about “Tender Mercies” HERE)

I have seen a few of these tender mercies in the past few months with my injury. (Read about my injury HERE.) I wanted to share one with you.

A few Sunday’s ago, while sitting with my family at church— 👆🏻this little sweetheart needed a diaper change. So I took her little hand and walked down the long isle out of the chapel and into the mother’s room to change her diaper. I didn’t carry her because I haven’t been able to carry her for a few months as I’ve been trying to heal. She was sooo tired. She became unruly as I tried to walk back into the chapel with her and was definitely not going to be walking back in to sit down with the family any time soon. .

I was desperate to go back in. I couldn’t pick her up and bring her. I just NEEDED all of the spiritual nourishment I could get that day. Do you know that feeling? In my heart, too desperate to even THINK to say a little prayer to Heavenly Father, He heard my plea anyway… .

Right then, my daughter (who has been my right hand through all of this) walked out into the foyer and found us. She didn’t say anything, she just picked up the baby and we walked back into the meeting and sat down. When I asked her why she came out of the meeting later, (there was no way for her to see what had been going on with us in the foyer), she replied, “A little voice told me to walk out and help you carry Lucy back in.”

This may sound small and insignificant to some, but it was everything to me at that moment and every day since. I am grateful for these little moments that make it soooo clear to me that God is on my team and always there to help me whether I know it or not. He sent His Spirit to my daughter that afternoon to help me.

I believe that tender mercies are happening to each of us all the time. Often it takes quieting ourselves, and tuning into God— making sure to seek His guidance daily and seeing with more spiritual eyes. I’m sure I often miss out or don’t notice in the day to day hustle and bustle— but when it happens, it is like receiving one more piece of the puzzle making up the masterpiece and mysteries of God.

He knows and loves each of us. He is our loving Father in Heaven. I know that with all my heart. If you aren’t sure and want to know God for yourself, go into a quiet place, kneel down and pray. (Learn more about prayer.)

❤ Tell me about one of your tender mercies, I would LOVE to hear it! 👇🏻

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