Rockin’ Your Race Day: Race Training for Beginners

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Marathon Momma Monday is upon us! I have had many inquiries from people wanting to train for their first race.  So today, I wanted to share with you how to get started.  If you need a little convincing, here is why taking up running is one of the best things you can do for you!

My husband and I have recently become running coaches for a children’s program called Team Kids Cafe. This program is designed to fight childhood obesity, and help  kids (ages 4 to 12) learn healthy lifestyle habits such as running. (More on Team Kids Cafe in a later post.)

In the words of Coach Terry, the founder of Team Kids Cafe:

Why You Should Run:

Running is fun and makes you healthier. Your body was meant to move and be active. You don’t have to run fast, but you should try to run or walk each day for at least 30 minutes.

Running improves your heart, lungs, and flow of blood through your body. It makes your cardio-vascular system the best it can be.

Running helps you in other sports. No matter what sport you do, running will make you better.

Running prevents weight gain and being overweight.

Running improves your immune system and makes it harder to catch colds and can prevent other diseases.

Running actually gives you more energy. For every minute you sit in front of the TV or the computer, make sure you run/walk or be active for the same amount of time.

Running can actually make you smarter. Studies show that improved blood flow to the brain, because of running, actually makes your brain work better and makes you smarter.

Running makes you feel better and be happier. An active body improves your mood and the way you feel the whole day. Running reduces stress and helps you relax.

Running helps you learn to set and accomplish goals. This will help you your whole life.

Running is something you can do with your friends or by yourself. You can talk and joke, laugh and tell stories with your friends while you run. Or sometimes you just want to run by yourself and be able to think and ponder on life.

Running allows you to get close to nature. You can run on trails, in parks, on grass, on roads, and enjoys the trees, flowers, hills, and other sights that you can only see while running or walking.

And if you’re like me…

Run Crazy Shirt

Get this shirt HERE.

Have I convinced you to be a runner yet? Or at least try running your first race?

Great! Let’s get started!

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So you want to start running, run a race, become a runner… etc. But how do you get started? Most of the time when people hear that I run marathons… and any other race I can find, they say, “What?! I could never do that, I can barely run a mile!” They look at that number 26.2 miles and for some reason, they think that I just woke up one day and ran a marathon.

The truth is, ANYONE can run a marathon and TRAINING is the key!

A 1/2 marathon, a 10k, a 5k, any distance will do.  I don’t care if you hate running, or if you’ve never run more than a mile or less in your lifetime. The time to start is now!

“The Marathon –  It is 90 percent physical and 10 percent mental during training, but it is 90 percent mental and ten percent physical on race day.”
Meb Keflezighi – winner of the 2012 Olympic Trials Marathon, winner of 2009 NYC Marathon, Olympic Silver Medalist

How to Get Started:
1. Set a goal: Find a race near you.  There are so many different types of races now, surely you can find one that fits you! I usually try to plan for 16 weeks out.  This gives the body enough time to adapt, strengthen, and get to peak performance before race day. Here is my go to Race Finder.

2. Find a Training Plan that Works for You: I have used training plans from in the past, I have picked expert marathoners brains, and I also really love THIS book. The point is, find a training plan that works for you and stick with it. The biggest mistake of many beginners is that they start out going too fast or doing too much and decide too quickly that it’s not for them.  I really love THIS article of advice for beginners.

3. Figure Out the Way YOU Enjoy Running: Outside, on the treadmill watching TV/movie, with a friend, with a group, listening to music, listening to an audiobook, or after a donut. :) You get the idea!
Round Rock Donut
Now that’s a donut worth running after! :)

4. Wear Proper Shoes and Clothing: Great shoes are a must! This doesn’t mean that you need to go spend over $100 on the latest and greatest running shoes. However, the tennis shoes that you’ve had for 5 years are NOT the best choice for you to run in! It’s important to know that you should retire your shoes after 300 to 500 miles of running depending on wear and tear. For instance, if a person runs roughly three miles, three times per week, they should replace their shoes every 5-6 months. Two pairs per year. This will help prevent injury, and ensure your comfort as you embark on your new race plans. Another thing to remember is do not just buy the pair that looks cool. More on that HERE. More good shoe tips HERE.
Clothing IS important.  When building up your distance, clothing can make a good run miserable very quickly! It is important to wear loose, breathable, light colored (if it’s hot) clothing. White reflects the suns heat. Dress in layers if you are running in the cold. When running outside you want to remember the 20 degree rule.  Look at what temperature it will be outside, and plan to wear something that will be comfortable if it were twenty degrees warmer. You will warm up quickly and you want to be dressed accordingly. When running in the dark, be sure to wear reflective clothing that is very visible. Well before your race, decide what you will wear on race day so that you can test it out and break it in.  This is a common mistake and many runners end up with chafing and a lot of discomfort on race day. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about, I have learned the hard way.
Utah Valley Marathon 2014– I wore the cutest running skirt and had the worst chaffing that day! Vaseline saved my life. Don’t forget to test out your race wear on a long run before the big race no matter how cute it is! :)

5. Love Being Sore: Being sore means your muscles are being broken down and rebuilding new and stronger muscle fibers. You are literally becoming stronger! I always have to laugh at myself for 2 or 3 days immediately after a marathon– my legs are so sore, that in sitting down to go to the bathroom, it’s like I’m hanging on to the wall for dear life! (TMI– sorry! If you’re a runner, you KNOW what I’m talking about!) The soreness should remind you of what you’ve just accomplished and you can feel good about that! Minor discomfort, MAJOR pay off. Remember, there is a difference between being in pain and being sore. If your pain is persistent and localized, this can mean injury. Pay attention to your body and seek medical attention if necessary.

6. Be Patient With Your Progress: Getting in good running shape, as I said earlier, doesn’t happen over night.  It is a PROCESS. Enjoy it and celebrate your progress!!! Pay attention to how you feel after you run. If you end up missing a run, don’t worry! Lace up those running shoes and get out there the next day, you will be fine!  Just be consistent and keep going.  Many lessons can be learned from persistence.  Prove to yourself that you are disciplined enough to run often. Pretty soon you won’t be able to live without running!

7. Cherish the Memories You Make: 
One of mine and Heather’s best running pals, Trena, said it best one day when she said,
“One thing I love about running all the miles on trails or the road, are the countless memories associated with them.”
I cannot count the good memories that I have from running.  Often, as I am going about my daily routine, I will drive by a recent or old running route and be bombarded by memories of this or that run.  Some good, some not so good! But all are part of who I am and my journey. :)
You will have good runs, bad runs, fun runs, boring runs, and runs where you solve all of the world’s problems.  Just enjoy it! Think about what you are doing for yourself, for your loved ones, for everyone! You are showing your children how important their health is by your example (more powerful than words). You are showing them that you care about your health and want to take care of your body. If you feel self conscious about getting outside and being that red faced person out running and struggling to breathe as drivers pass by… just remember, they are not thinking, “Woah, look at that girl, she’s so slow, fat, …(fill in the blank)” 9 times out of 10 these people are thinking, “Wow, good for her, I need to get out and run.” or “I wish I was in shape to do that.” — you are motivating everyone! And as for that 1/10 of people driving by and making fun, they’re just jealous that you are so awesome! :)

8. Be Happy and Have Fun! Runners are the happiest people I know.  Have you ever noticed this? It must be the endorphins! Elle Woods said it best…

I will never forget as long as I live, the time I was driving in Austin, Texas in a residential area.  Traffic was backed up, and the kids and I were just sitting in the car when we heard singing— loud singing! We all looked around and saw a large man getting some exercise, walking on the sidewalk. His headphones were on, and he was singing at the top of his lungs! Cars were backed up for at least a mile in traffic so he had a big audience! This guy was just out cruising and enjoying himself! It didn’t matter that no one else could hear the sick beat he was breakin’ down to! This scene put a smile on all of our faces. This is how life should be!!! Enjoy your journey!
So if you see me out singing at the top of my lungs while I run, or breakin’ it down on the treadmill, don’t be surprised… and don’t be afraid to join in!!!
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  1. Great article Laura!! I need to get involved with the kids fitness program and help yall! Get me some information on when and where and I’ll see what I can contribute!!! Love all these reasons to run!

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